Just now starting up my new photography blog. I'll do my best to keep everyone updated on what sort of projects I've been working on lately. Most recently, I've kept busy shooting for the Lansing State Journal Monday thru Friday, with weddings filling up most of weekends. I will try and get up some images on here of my two most recent weddings - The VanSolkema's in Kalamazoo and the Tobolic's in Grand Rapids. Both weddings I've shot so far were for close friends, which make it really enjoyable.
Also recently attended Partner Con in Chicago. It is an awesome partner conference for a company called Pictage. I use Pictage for all of my web archiving, web sales, printing and album binding for the weddings that I shoot. To say the least, it was time and money well spent. I learned so much from all of the speakers - David Jay, Mike Colon, Denis Reggie, Bob Davis, Charles Bordner and Jared Bauman. I will most definately be attending again next year.
Lastly, I'm happy to announce that I just made a trip to the mac store in GR and purchased a 23" Cinema HD Display for my home office - it is incredible!! It seriously makes the images on my screen look more beautiful than before - it's so much more enjoyable to work with. You all really should get one.